Tuesday 3 May 2011

Suspiscious (Then: July 2009)

Before I know it I have been seeing the West End Guy for 4 months. I am straight up with him and explain that when it comes to men “I do not share”. None of this "not exclusive stuff" for me. He tells me he besotted with me and that he can see us going the distance.

Something doesn’t add up though. It only takes a bit of research on his “tagged.com” profile to see that he is constantly adding gorgeous women in their 20’s. I find this really disconcerting and ask him why. He tells me it is to network for when he go overseas. He goes to Europe every week for business. Everytime he goes to a new city he adds about 20 new women from Tagged.com from that city. I ask him why he never adds men. He laughs. I don’t and start to get suspicious.

Plus – Ive never been to his house in Hyde Park – we always use hotels as he told me he had workmen in. My suspicions get stronger.

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